2025 TOTAL - $4695 - Tiki Mikey 846.50; Lisa Kocon $738.52; Steve Boehmer 560.06; John Sherwin 551.51; Jim Winters 530.44; Brady Ingleman 507.91; John Brejcha 505.01; Amber Drew's-Pelowski 360. 30 and Max (the firefighter) Favre (pronounced like favor) 94.99.
DON'T WANNA PLUNGE? DONATE !! https://reg.plungemn.org/team/parrotheadsonice
New Hope Par-3 Golf Course
Change your latitude and escape to Margaritaville at Target Field!
Join fellow ParrotHeads, beach-bums, and Twins-fans!
Includes exclusive Margaritaville / Twins bucket hat!
Valid special package ticket required
Pick-up 11am-130pm - game day ONLY at Target Field Station
(near Gate 6 - NW Corner of Target Field - 5th St and light-rail)
St.MSP club sales closed, but tix still available on Twins webpage https://www.mlb.com/twins/tickets/specials/margaritaville
Admission is FREE (though Matt's Tip Bucket will be prominently displayed....)
Find the most updated info on our Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1618376478708265
Annual Fees - Single $20 / Family $30 Our club was established in 1995 and is part of ParrotHeads In Paradise, the national Jimmy Buffett Fan Club. Membership is open to people of all ages and backgrounds.